Category: Patriot Privacy & Security Society

  • Delete me

    To delete or not to delete? That is the question. Admittedly, that’s an awkward paraphrase of William Shakespeare’s Hamlet when he famously asked: “To be or not to be? That is the question.” But, given the continuing revelations of the National Security Agency’s spying on Americans – including violating the NSA’a own lax privacy rules…

  • To Delete or Not To Delete?

    To delete or not to delete? That is the question. Admittedly, that’s an awkward paraphrase of William Shakespeare’s Hamlet when he famously asked: “To be or not to be? That is the question.” But, given the continuing revelations of the National Security Agency’s spying on Americans – including violating the NSA’a own lax privacy rules…

  • Urgent: Millions of Door Locks Are Easily Hacked

    If there’s one common trait that gets us all in trouble when it comes to our security, it’s overconfidence. We become so certain that our homes, businesses, computers and physical well-being are secure – because we’ve taken steps to create that security – we overlook potential security breaches that are right in front of our…

  • Who’s Spying On Your Naked Daughter?

    Whenever I speak to audiences about Internet stalking, identity theft, cybercrime, and the increasing threats to the privacy, security and liberty of all Americans, I’m always asked the same question: What’s the most important thing I can do to protect my children from Internet predators? My answer is simple: Don’t allow your children to have…

  • Stalking your kids with photos?

    A friend emailed this to me this week.  This needs your attention right away, because even you don’t have a smart phone, I bet you have loved ones or friends that do. And anyone who has a smartphone has pictures.  This news story shows how easily someone can tell exactly where you just took and posted a picture:…

  • Big Changes at the Patriot Privacy and Security Society

    Hi folks, Chris here. You might notice a little different look here. We are changing things and I think you are going to love our new offerings. I wanted to introduce someone that I believe is going to help you immensely, change the way you look at the world, and even help you live a…

  • Millions of Door Locks Are Easily Hacked

    If there’s one common trait that gets us all in trouble when it comes to our security, it’s overconfidence. We become so certain that our homes, businesses, computers and physical well-being are secure – because we’ve taken steps to create that security – we overlook potential security breaches that are right in front of our…

  • [Video] SWAT team raids the wrong house because of open WIFI network

    I wanted to send a quick note to those folks who think having an open wifi network is not big deal. In this case, it nearly cost a family their life and freedom. Someone logged into their wifi system and then put threatening statements about the police department online. The police took the threats…

  • A new really devious email scam

    Looking through my inbox in the last few weeks I have come across some a really sneaky trick that spammers are using to try to get you to install malware on your computer. This one is especially tricky because it looks like something you really need.  It probably looks something like this: Name on Refill: Chris PetersonBilling and Shipping Address:…

  • Is it safe to use credit cards online?

    We get a lot of questions about using credit cards and ordering online.  People want to know if its safe, and  quite a few people call us saying they never put their credit card online. As with most things related to privacy, there’s not a simple answer.  But here’s one thing that would probably surprise…